Can Seventh Hand Wellness be my primary care provider?

Seventh Hand Wellness is not primary care. We can and will work with your primary care provider to coordinate care. Prior to receiving any treatment, recommendations, or other services from Seventh Hand Wellness clients must have an established primary care provider.

Does Seventh Hand Wellness accept insurance?

Seventh Hand Wellness is a cash-only practice.  We will provide superbills for services that can be submitted to the client’s insurance carrier at the sole responsibility of the client.  Claims will be paid at the sole discretion of the insurance carrier.

How do I schedule visits?

Groundbreaking Introduction appointments can be scheduled on our website.  To access this click on any of the buttons labeled, “Groundbreaking Intro.” All other appointments are scheduled through the Client Portal once you are an established client. To schedule over the phone call 469-270-0568.  To schedule via email contact us at contact@seventhhandwellness.com.

Where can I order supplements?

Seventh Hand Wellness offers supplements through Designs for Health (https://www.designsforhealth.com/u/meganroberts) and Fullscript (https://us.fullscript.com/login)

Can I use my insurance for tests?

In some cases you can use insurance for lab tests.  Coverage and reimbursement will be at the sole discretion of your insurance carrier. 

How many tests can be reviewed at each visit?

Typically, it is reasonable to cover 1-2 batteries of tests during the course of one visit.  Additionally, it is not realistic to implement recommendations in response to more than 1-2 tests. 

Can I be seen by Seventh Hand Wellness if I do not live in Texas?

Seventh Hand Wellness is only licensed to practice in Texas.  Therefore, we cannot see anyone who does not reside in Texas.